Our juniors face real-world challenges with the Kaggle competitions. This time they tried to understand the Amazon from Space. They used satellite data to track the human footprint in the Amazon rainforest.
Lisanne, what do you think of the Kaggle challenges we host?

I really like this way of learning. For the challenges, we team up. During a Kaggle challenge, we have to work closely together. Every time it gives me new Data Science insights which I can daily use at my work. I think it is awesome that we can do these challenges during our junior development program.
About the Kaggle Challenge
Kaggle is a crowd sourcing site that uses competitions to advance data science. In this competition, Planet and its Brazilian partner SCCON are challenging Kagglers to label satellite image chips with atmospheric conditions and various classes of land cover/land use. Resulting algorithms will help the global community better understand where, how, and why deforestation happens all over the world - and ultimately how to respond.