Many thanks to all participating at the Big Data Expo, what a blast it was!
Whilst reflecting on all the interesting new people we got to meet, catching up with befriended relations, evaluating the Datathon, thinking over some inspiring presentations, and cleaning up the final stuff (including boat transport), Xomnia switched to its 'normal' Friday modus.
The office is fully packed with our Data Science team and juniors working on no less than 3 different simultaneously given training programs, and a bunch of exciting projects. In the meanwhile, all overhead is fully focused on setting the fundaments right, (hopefully) enabling our current growth pace to continue without it getting an organizational mess :)..
It was awesome to meet up the last two days! We'll try to follow-up on all topics as soon as possible, and we are looking forward to continuing our chat in a bit more tranquil setting.
Have a good one!
Team Xomnia