Mon Jul 16 2018

The Big Data Journey Of MarCom Intern Sander

Remember me? Sander, the Marketing Communications intern? Last time, I took you on a journey to my first experience with Big Data and what the Xomnia Vibe is like. Now after 5 months, with many exciting completed tasks and activities, I will tell you the true story behind the notorious buzzwords.


Do you know the difference between structured and unstructured data? It is not as simple as it sounds, so that is where Floris the Big Data Engineer came to the rescue. Structured data is data that can easily be stored in, for example, a Relational Database or Excel file. However, unstructured data is a different story. This data does not typically fit a typical database, with old algorithms it is hard to impossible to search through. The framework such as Hadoop and “tool” Spark provide a solution to this problem. To be successful with both structured and unstructured data, organizations need to properly and effectively analyze all of their data, regardless of the source or type.

Everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence, but what is it? Basically, it is the ability to let computer systems execute tasks that would normally require human intelligence. So, those trips on the self-driving boat were for a reason apart from enjoying the sun and conversating. The self-driving boat is a perfect example of what using artificial intelligence can turn into. The visual perception and decision-making capabilities make it possible for the boat to sail autonomously. Once you learn about Artificial Intelligence you will discover it is way more than just a buzzword.

Another buzzword in Big Data is Data Science. Last time I already explained what Data Science means; however, the range of solutions it can provide amazed me. During the Kaggle Day I witnessed, juniors were challenged to classify toxic comments with Data Science. Another instance of discovering the impact of Big Data was at BigDataGemeenten. I really liked BigDataGemeenten, because I saw tangible concepts of what you can do with Data Science. Some examples of projects are, to create safer neighborhoods, monitoring the flow of traffic and people and a cleaner city. The possibilities are endless!

Marketing / Branding

If you enter the office there is no way you will not pass the employee wall with the faces of all the people that make Xomnia great. A nice reminder of a completed project with good team synergy.

During this internship, I learned to take followers on a journey through the world of Big Data by creating varying social media content and (code heavy) website content like Ritchie’s Tech Blog X and Gijs & David’s football prediction model, while also optimizing the SEO and SEA.

And not to forget, since the new office space is gaining shape, I got to help design this flag.

Is this the end?

To answer your question in short……NO. The experience Xomnia provided me during the internship was fantastic, that is why I will make sure to stick around for a while. Who knows, I might even write another blog.

Also interested in doing an internship at Xomnia? We have several different open internship positions.